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The Illuminati simplifies it !! The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' he defined it as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.' -- quote from the Ron Suskind article-10/2004 ! |
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My personal distrust of the US Government began the 22 of November 1963. The Assassins. These extremely detailed , thought out, plots and plans. They were executed by John W Booth a lone gun . One of the conspirators fled to Canada and was boldly protected by the Catholic Church,he was later caught and tried by a jury of his peers - a public circus. Not guilty said they and he walked free, no real prosecution was at temped and not a question of the Church's involvement. Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gun was just as he said he was and that was the reason he had to die ,"I am just a patsy" If he hadn't uttered those words he may have lived. At least for a time. Jack Ruby a lone gun walked into the Dallas Police Station near Oswald's brief walk, Oswald was only going to be exposed for one or 2 minutes, the cops knew Jack Ruby. One lone nut kills another lone nut. The most important figure in the murder of a President is murdered while in police custody. The string of implausible and coincidences is so vast that anyone not believing government conspirators had a hand in these murders must be looked at as mentally challenged and reciting route phrases of belief. Just one here. Oswald was captured in a movie theater. This theater was owned by Howard Hughes,an admitted CIA asset. The theater was a meeting place for other CIA types and well known in their circle. Strange of all the places to go Oswald randomly choose this one. Sirhan Sirhan a lone gun - perhaps the first of the Monarch/Ultra killers, drugged and hypnotized he partakes in a plot to kill RFK. He was not the only shooter, but certainly was the most public and easily passed off as another lone nut. James Earl Ray a lone gun proof that playing with fire will get you burned. His trial was a monument to fabrication and another lone nut sentence to life. The Kings seek another trial as the evidence became apparent that JER was set up. A civil trial finds a government conspiracy at Federal and State levels. This is only is a partial list of FBI-CIA-ATF/government murders, Ruby Ridge -Wounded Knee - Waco there is no telling how many others are dead/maimed/destroyed. The CIA is complicit in plots and intrigues world wide, that truly have caused the death of millions. These are just some on USA soil. Now we are faced by the greatest crime put on Americans .. by "Americans" This site is always under construction ... It is an attempt ala Lombardi to put many pieces before you and let you make up your mind. The people who pronounce !Preposterous ... Foolish ..will look at the picture as a whole and they will find some truth. The right and the Left and all the middle KNOW , something is wrong .. they just can't put their finger on it We have been electing the same crooks for decades .. they fain an opposition .. when in fact it is grand collusion. |
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World Heritage Foundation
Supect General in JFK murder Secret Servive Suspect in JFK murder Films and NEW JFK information JFK Time line and more A good take on JFK .. much information Excellent proofs on JFK's murder The Conspirator and Players in JFK's death Suspect Site Military and Flight 93 Anti War Canidates by State U.S. Military had NO INTENTION of shooting down any plane Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis 9/11 coincidences and oddities page! Great Site Many photos of all 911 Getting to truth of UFO's Web Fairy's Kill Town one of the best Black Vault Documents Secret Societies-Very Good Info Open Source History .excelent site .edu Early Freemason in America MONATOMIC ELEMENTS (ORMES) QUEST FOR THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE Propaganda Matrix George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse May 5, 2003 Great Site Much Information on Varity of Odd Aussies trouble with the NWO World Mystery's ReOpen 911 Org ..good information Video & Audio Presentations from some of the Top Scholars on 911 Info Wars Alex Jones Conspiracies World Huge Questions Project Censored Steve Quayle ..good information many subjects THE VATICAN BILLIONS From the Wilderness Charges in Coutr History Matters All The People Involved in JFK's murder Reopen 911 Trilateral Members 2005 COUP D'ETAT IN AMERICA DATA BASE James Files ..I Killed JFK Searchable data base for 911 Commission Report .. The one where NORAD and the Military lied Corpwatch .. where the game pays off | All the people involved in 911 |
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