Logic is a child of illogic- absurd-sublime_ We should avoid being illogical and absurd Right here are 2000 links to references of absurdities in Holey Books They are explained away by divination faith or greater understanding You are not smart holy focused devote enough to divine these mis-stories Give your money time life to this particular mis-story and you will-(insert here more absurdities of "Heaven") Go to Paradise You are in Paradise right now Who needs to tell you this If your actions here on earth effect the outcome of ether worlds- Then they must be part of the ether world and the ether worlds part of earth Always was always will be |
and even to some "True Believers" your thoughts It is well shown that the one uniting factor in all humans past to present Is concept of uniting factor-God This is true The thinking of god is universal Evil is anathema to biospirit survival Is it possible that evil can/has been eliminated Perhaps in a galaxy far away The same biospirit exists Eliminating evil is a biospitit need and a necessity of evolution as life is a biospirit function Each human knows their own thoughts The muck of earth gives birth to the biospirit which gave life to the earth Always was Always will be |
Evil thoughts lead to evil acts Knowing what is evil is cultural Perhaps human sacrifices led to the downfall of many past religions The passing of religion goes on -a necessity Replaced by a more benign version These past millennium shows the true evils brought on by religion In this day and age we can see with open eyes the misery brought on by churches and structured religious thought The passing will occur Always was always will be |
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